Did you know that
LlanoWatch proposes a solution to Llano City Government waste,
lawlessness, secrecy, bad management, and bullying?
Over the past few years, through two mayors,
two city managers, and
numerous council members, Llano Watchers have observed and
Llano City Government waste, lawlessness, secrecy, bad management, and
bullying. There probably isn't a citizen in Llano who doesn't have a
story to tell about Llano City management.
While we have been documenting the problems, we have
also been investigating solutions. Elections are helpful, but
unpredictable. Freeing citizens to work as a team is part of the answer.
Over the years, LlanoWatch has proposed and refined a Llano Citizens'
Bill of Rights (LCBoR), which will reinstate laws and practices that have
been lost to inept and corrupt city government managers. Most will read
these rights and say "of course." Some, like our current mayor and city
manager, will say they are too restrictive - good because they are the
abusers and need to be reined in.
Texas law is clear about this:
Texas Government Code Sec 552.001 …
government is the servant and
not the master of the people. The people insist on remaining informed so
that they may retain control over the instruments they have created.
The citizens of Llano must regain control and then retain
control of our local government.
The incoming city council gives hope but we will still have City Manager
Brenton Lewis. We need LCBoR now and for the future. The outgoing city
council would not even put LCBoR on the agenda. Had LCBoR been in place,
this corrupt government would have been controlled.
Over the next few weeks, LlanoWatch will provide
details on the Llano Citizens' Bill of Rights solution. Meanwhile, see
an introduction here.
Send your comments and recommendations here.