Urgent Warning
Property Owners
eternal vigilance is the cost of liberty
Thomas Jefferson
Llano Citizens'
Bill of Rights

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Did you know that your Llano property rights are changingUPDATE

Do you want storage units next-door to your home like this:

commercial & residential zoning

The City of Llano is rapidly moving to "completely overhaul" the zoning ordinance. So far, this is what they have decided:

  1. Your use of your property and your neighbors' will change.

  2. Some Single Family zoning changed to Commercial.

  3. No chickens, bunnies, goats, horses, or other animals - even temporarily before an event.

  4. No retail zoning. Only commercial.

  5. Duplexes and possibly apartments in Single Family neighborhoods.

  6. Apartments and condos in Commercial and Retail zones.

But if history repeats, the real changes won't be disclosed until the last possible minute.

UPDATE: Part of their hidden agenda was just exposed at the last P&Z meeting. The new zoning ordinance will allow apartments and condos in all commercial zoning which includes current retail zoning since that category will be replace by commercial - this includes South Ford Street. They specifically want condos on the riverfront which has been tried and failed in the past. That failure spawned the approach of realtors and builders to stack council and P&Z Commission to foster their "best use" agenda.

Don't be fooled by Specific Use or Grandfathered.  These protections can be wiped away at any time by just three aldermen as shown in the Dentist Overlay/South Ford St. rezoning and the RV Park rezoning where citizens objected and were ignored. The Dentist Overlay change was particularly egregious since 12 families, who had lived in the zone for generations, came forward to object while no one in the Overlay spoke for the change - except the Dentist.

You might want some of these changes or might not. What is important is that our current city government is secretive and has undisclosed agendas. This zoning ordinance change will affect every property owner in Llano. You will be given very little time to study the changes and object to any that impact your property ownership. See relevant articles  here, here, here, here, and here.

This city government and zoning board believe it is their job to tell you how you can use your property. The have no experience in zoning. The last time they made just a small change to the zoning ordinance, they violated zoning laws and made of mess of the property usage table - how you can use your property.

City Manager Brenton Lewis and Mayor Mikel Virdell have become very adept at sneaking changes into law.

Of equal importance is the secret rewrite of the Comprehensive Plan. The Comprehensive Plan is a statute-required activity to be done prior to any changes to the zoning ordinance. Changes to the zoning ordinance must first be specified in the Comprehensive Plan as a requirement. Please follow this effort as well. Se articles here and here.

Send your email address to LlanoWatch to be kept informed or just check back often to LlanoWatch.org for notices on the change. Tell your neighbors. There won't be much time and not much chance to fix problems after Llano City Council votes.


This site contains the individual opinions of the members of Llano Watch. Please report any errors and they will be fixed immediately.