Urgent Warning
Property Owners
eternal vigilance is the cost of liberty
Thomas Jefferson
Llano Citizens'
Bill of Rights

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Feedback we have received:

  • Most of the feedback we receive is positive and encouraging - Keep it up; Awesome!!!!; this needed to be done; informative and enlightening; good job; Thank You for standing up for what is right; and more.  Our favorite comment was "The only good type of government is an open and honest government."
    That said, we will focus here on the constructive criticism we have received and try to improve the website and our efforts.
  • "An anonymous website doesn't have much credibility with me" - There were two others who also wanted to know the sponsors. We accept this criticism. Marc Sewell and John Ferguson are the founders of LlanoWatch. We write most of the content, do the research, perform the Ombudsman role, and pay the bills. There was no intent on hiding our identity. If you attend Council meetings, you already knew who we were. It was more out of modesty and teamwork that we didn't include our names - there is no "I" in teamwork.
  • "subjective and emotive terminology are indicative of an hidden agenda" - There is no hidden agenda. What possibly could we gain from this costly and time-consuming effort other than the stated agenda of promoting a more open government?
  • "Report the facts, attack the ideas and not the persons" - This is absolutely correct and is now our motto. We understand the concept but are having a bit of difficulty describing bad behavior and not having it seem like we are attacking the person. One feedback referenced the phrase "Mayor Reagor's rude, condescending, and abusive behavior" as an example of such an attack. Since I was the recipient of the Mayor's behavior and John was a witness, we believe the language accurately portrays the bad behavior - but it does sound harsh - but it is accurate. Anyway, there have been other comments on the TONE of the articles and we intend to seriously address tone and language. We have a genuinely nice person reviewing all future articles for tone and will go back and review current postings. If we miss again, please let us know.
  • "The rv park was already annexed into the city and did not get to tap water untill the city was back in stage 2" - I was on the Planning and Zoning Commission when this occurred and have submitted two Freedom of Information Act requests for specifics. The RV park was granted "access" to Llano City water and sewer before the annexation and rezoning came to P&Z and while the city was in Stage 4 water restrictions. Finley said at the time that the tap was installed. The Council approved the tap as long as there was no water drawn until the City returned to Stage 3. These are facts. I submitted a FOI request for the work order and was told there wasn't one. I have today submitted a follow-up to the FOI request asking to check again.So we can't know for sure when the tap was actually installed but the salient fact is that water and sewer access were granted before annexation, during a stage 4 drought. Should any facts or documents surface to show otherwise, I will gladly update the website.
  • "salary spreadsheets are always confidential and becoming public could trigger a source of discontent among employees" -  Public employee salaries are not confidential. The Texas Open Records Statute Section 552.022(2) says so. There are some cities like Coleman, TX, that post the salaries on their websites along with benefits.

Please continue to hold us accountable as we hold the City Government accountable for their actions and decisions. Whether it is your issue or something you have heard, please give us the opportunity to correct errors - and tone. We will immediately fix any error on the website.

This site contains the individual opinions of the members of Llano Watch. Please report any errors and they will be fixed immediately.