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eternal vigilance is the cost of liberty
Thomas Jefferson
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Did you know that the Llano Court has set a dangerous precedent for hiding important matters from citizens?

Even though Judgment has already been entered on the case, I decided to take Marc Sewell’s open meetings act case against the City of Llano because I believe the judgment sets a very dangerous precedent that will permit city officials to sneak important matters onto their agenda without the public understanding, in advance, what they are up to.  The focus of my law practice is, and has been, on government accountability.  I’ve also served in public office and deeply believe in open government.  As a former elected official, I am disappointed to see a City Council and City Manager fight so hard to protect inadequate public notice of their meeting agenda and then, unnecessarily, spend tens of thousands of dollars fighting a lawsuit that just seeks to have better public notice.              

The Motion for New Trial that I filed can be seen here.  I believe Marc valiantly pursued this important case, but he made a mistake trying to handle the legal procedures and evidentiary technicalities without an attorney, with predictable results.  I’m hoping that in the interest of justice and fairness, the Court will permit a new trial that will afford the Court a better opportunity to decide this important issue of public notice of Council meeting subjects.   I hope, by you reading this Motion, you’ll see that when you strip away all of the personality or political conflicts, there is a very important issue of law and open government here.              

To make my point, here’s a test.  Can you tell me, just from the wording of these two agenda items, what the real subject is, i.e., what the grants are for?  

1.  Discuss and consider action on the approval of Resolution 2015-02-02-1, authorizing the filing of a Texas Community Development Block Grant program application to the Texas Department of Agriculture; and authorizing the Mayor to act as the City’s Executive Officer and authorized representative in all matters pertaining to the City’s participation in the Texas Community Development Block Grant Program.  

2. Discuss and consider action on the approval of Resolution 2015-02-02-2, authorizing the filing of a Texas Community Development Block Grant program application to the Texas Department of Agriculture; and authorizing the Mayor to act as the City’s Executive Officer and authorized representative in all matters pertaining to the City’s participation in the Texas Community Development Block Grant Program.

Bill Aleshire
AleshireLAW PC



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