Urgent Warning
Property Owners
eternal vigilance is the cost of liberty
Thomas Jefferson
Llano Citizens'
Bill of Rights

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Did you know that City Manager Brenton Lewis wanted to borrow $3.5 Million NOW and identify projects LATER?

Llano City Manager Brenton Lewis asked city council for approval for a loan of about $3.5 Million saying that the city would determine how to use the money later. No plan, no bids, no proposal, no TCEQ approval, no city council approval. Just borrow $3.5 Million and then decide.

Oh, and he wanted permission to spend the money before the loan was approved.

Oh, and the loan had a slush amount of $500,000 to be used as needed.

Can you imagine what you would say if your kids asked for $5000 and they would tell you what it was for after they spent it? They said it was more than they needed but would find a good use for the extra. And once it was spent, they would probably ask for more because they didn't realize that their new bicycle needed wheels. This is the way the Llano city government operates. They have no respect for your tax dollars or the effort it took for you to earn them.

This is not the proper way to do things. First, clearly identify the problem, then develop a plan with total costs over the life of the solution, then get approval from council, then get the money. And keep citizens involved at all stages.

Part of this loan was targeted toward drilling costs for the Riley Mt project but that didn't pass. Presumably the slush in the loan would have gone toward pumps and such for the well if it produced sufficient water. So you would think that, if the Riley Mt well didn't pass, why pass the loan for it? Brenton said that if it doesn't ever pass, then they would use the money for something else - something unknown and without a plan. When asked why not just wait until the money was needed for an approved project, he said that interest rates might go to 8%.

And where was citizen involvement in all this? After all, they will be paying back the loan for the next 8 years.

And what about the notice to citizens of this vote for $3.5 Million? The agenda item for council meeting didn't say Riley Mt or Leverett Well, or Sewer Plant upgrade or $3.5 Million. Sandwiched in the middle of 5 agenda items for Lantex purchases: an ice maker, a new cash register, new chairs, a utility sink, and neon lights was this innocuous statement:

$3.5 Million Agenda Item Notice

Did Brenton want citizens to miss the $3.5 Million loan hidden amongst Lantex purchases? The agenda item notice surely didn't shout "lots of money being borrowed here!."

Shouldn't borrowing $3.5 Million be an important decision to be discussed by citizens and not to be rushed?

The answer once again is to take back control of our city government with the Llano Citizens' Bill of Rights. With LCBoR we would get more descriptive agendas, more time to study contracts and ordinances, and a workshop before a vote for citizens to ask questions and city managers required to answer those questions.


This site contains the individual opinions of the members of Llano Watch. Please report any errors and they will be fixed immediately.