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Did you know that City Attorney Bovey Misrepresented Facts and Laws and Impugned the Integrity of the LlanoWatch Editor?

On 3/26/14, Llano City Attorney Carey Bovey published an extrajudicial article in the Llano News, regarding an ongoing case, with the intent of manipulating public opinion and impugning the character, credibility, and reputation of the LlanoWatch editor who responded with a Letter to the Editor.

In that article, Mr. Bovey misrepresented facts and the law and used inflammatory language with the sole intent to embarrass the pro se opponent, make the City look innocent, make opponent look responsible for legal fees, and sway public opinion. This was not to educate and not in the public interest.

Being a lawyer, using the written word, demonstrates willful, malicious intention.

The following analysis of the article shows that Mr. Bovey:

1.      misrepresented facts and the law and used inflammatory language 26 times in his 7 paragraphs – every paragraph in his article.

2.      used of my name, Sewell, 22 times in 7 paragraphs purely to intimidate, embarrass, and sway public opinion against me and my cause.

3.      did not try to present the actual reason for the appeal –that Judge Garrett erred in his denial of my petition. His intent was not to inform. Instead he used the article to intimidate… and to leave the reader with the impression that all of my complaints, including zoning violations which were not part of the appeal, were frivolous and unfounded in fact or law.

4.      did not mention the original complaint in my judicial review petition yet he managed to disparage those violations and leave the impression that the 3rd Court of Appeals ruled against them.


Analysis of Llano City Attorney Bovey’s 3/26/14 Llano News Article

Sewell Analysis

Bovey Statement


1.   Misrepresentation of fact & law – Notification (properly serve) is the central issue I have with Judge Garrett and the reason for the appeal. My petition for judicial review was filed under §211.011 which specifically does not require notification and Bovey knows this argument. See Appellant Brief and Judicial Misconduct Complaint for details.

2.   Inflammatory Language – Word properly used unnecessarily to denigrate me and my cause by suggesting I did something improper which I did not.

Sewell did not properly serve any defendants

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3.   Misrepresentation of fact – I did not name any defendants as shown in petition cover[1]. It was Judge Garrett who wrongly changed my case style in his Order. I included this error in my Appellant Brief and even filed a Motion to Fix Case Style to fix the court record. It is my contention, as articulated in Judicial Misconduct Complaint, that this insistence on naming defendants was collusion with Judge Garrett with the intent to deny a judicial review and avoid admitting the illegal acts claimed in my petition.

4.   Inflammatory Language – Enumerating the non-defendants was solely used to engender public opinion against me with all the friends of those listed. This is also unnecessarily embarrassing for those listed as defendants in the 3rd Court of Appeals. There was no other reason to name these Llano citizens.

Mr. Sewell then filed an appeal of the District Court’s order to the Third Court of Appeals in Austin naming the City of Llano, Mikel Virdell, Brenton Lewis, Dianne Firestone, Letitia McCasland, Marcy Methvin, Todd Keller, Jeanne Puryear and Toni Milam as defendants.

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5.   Misrepresentation of fact –This statement is the antithesis of the truth. After my Appellant Brief, I was finished presenting my appeal and Bovey needn’t have done anything. Every document I filed with the 3rd Court of Appeals was in response to a Bovey filing. My Appellant Brief was all that was necessary for my appeal. My appeal was purely to address errors by Judge Garrett in denying a writ of certiorari based upon the need to notify participants. This was a procedural disagreement with Judge Garrett and no action was required by Bovey. Any arguments he had with my complaints in the Judicial Review petition could have been made at the District Court level and saved the citizens of Llano $18,000. Please see the Appeal section of the Document Index to see all the filings in context.

This complete distortion is the crux of the article whose intent was to show that I was responsible for the $18,000 in his legal fees.

6.   Inflammatory Language – Bovey uses the credibility of the 3rd Court of Appeal’s reveals to validate his next, false, statement. Another cheap deception trick stating a falsehood at the beginning of a paragraph, “every document filed” and then putting exceptions obscured at the end, knowing most readers will skip the end of a long paragraph.

A review of the case information and pleadings on file with the Third Court of Appeals reveals that every document filed by the City defendants (referred to as “Appellees” by the Third Court of Appeals) was filed in response to an action taken by Mr. Sewell. … except Motion to Dismiss and Motion for Damages

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7.   Misrepresentation of fact – The 3rd Court of Appeals dismissed Motion for Damages, as shown in the Court Notice, in which Bovey claimed frivolous. This notice was published by the court before Bovey wrote the article so he knew that it was NOT frivolous. The appeal was successful in that Judge Garrett had refused any hearings on his disposal prior to the appeal and then the Court said he hadn’t properly disposed - thus Garrett had to have a hearing, which is what I wanted from the appeal.

8.   Inflammatory Language – The word frivolous in a non-legal context has a different meaning to ordinary citizens - trivial and not having any serious purpose. My complaint said that three laws were broken and 79 people had lost their rights. In the 1½ years this has been going on, Bovey and the City have not addressed the three broken laws – because they are guilty. The City continues to break some of these laws. This is hardly trivial and is very serious.

his frivolous appeal

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9.   Misrepresentation of fact – The response brief was optional and not forced by me. The issues in the appeal were purely procedural error by the judge prior to any action required by the City. It surely didn’t call for $18,000 worth of effort. Lack of jurisdiction due to improper disposing would have been found by the Judges without Bovey’s $18,000 worth of assistance.

10.   Inflammatory Language – The word forcing says that I, alone, am responsible for the City spending $18,000 on legal fees when the truth is Bovey didn’t have to do anything.

forcing the City to prepare and file a response brief.

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11.   Misrepresentation of fact – I never, ever said that “the City should never respond to his arguments” and yet Bovey says that position is “clearly documented.” To the contrary, a judicial review is a request to the City to answer my arguments. Bovey avoided that for 1½  years.

12.   Inflammatory Language – The word clearly is used to make the citizens believe that his false statement is irrefutable and since no citizen will read the filings, the false statement stands.

Bovey uses the credibility of the 3rd Court of Appeals to give validation to his false statement.

Mr. Sewell’s position, as clearly documented by his numerous filings with the Third Court of Appeals, was that he should be allowed to sue the City and the City should never respond to his arguments,

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13.   Misrepresentation of fact – It was Bovey who brought in irrelevant issues from the start. My Appellant’s Brief was the only document I intended to file. That document ONLY describes the issues of Judge Garrett’s procedural errors and nothing else. I did not mention any of the legal violations in my judicial review complaint. The irrelevant first line in his Bovey’s Appelle’s Brief brings in the arguments from my petition and argues that “proper notice was given.” I had to respond to that and all his other irrelevant issues.

14.   Inflammatory Language – Saying my arguments were irrelevant leaves the laymen readers with the assertion that I went off on a tangent and wasted Bovey’s time and taxpayer funds.

Mr. Sewell’s arguments were irrelevant to the issue appealed

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15.   Misrepresentation of fact – This statement is completely false. All of my arguments were based on fact and most were based on law. Even my assertion that Judge Garrett completely disposed of my judicial review was based in fact, had legal references, and was a reasonable conclusion based on Judge Garrett’s actions. It was Judge Garrett who erred.

16.   Inflammatory Language - This statement will leave the reader with the impression that all my statements are unfounded and I did not base any argument in law, which is not true. Readers will also think that my original petition complaints were unfounded when they were not even the subject of the appeal.

Mr. Sewell’s arguments were unfounded and had no basis in law

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17.   Misrepresentation of fact – I argued positions with legal and factual statements, as he did. This is normal and expected. The judges decide who is correct. This statement says that is abnormal and I should not have done that.

18.   Inflammatory Language - This statement, using fought each and despite will leave the reader with the impression that all my statements were wrong despite Bovey’s case references. Readers will also think that my original petition complaints were wrong and properly contested by Bovey’s case references, when they were not even the subject of the appeal and not addressed at all.

Mr. Sewell fought each of these positions despite numerous Texas cases cited by the City supporting its arguments.

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19. Misrepresentation of fact – The Court did not “held” or hold. That was not their judgment. That was not their ruling. That was not their opinion.  That was not their decision. That was not their mandate. That was a footnote in the opinion that said the “We observe.” Besides, my argument that §211.011(g) specifies that City Council is synonymous with Board of Adjustment in Llano as described in my Motion for Rehearing and is properly addressed by the District Court.

20.    Inflammatory Language – This statement, again, tries to use the credibility of the Court to substantiate his incorrect and misleading statement.

The Court held “that because Sewell has not challenged actions taken by a board of adjustment, his claims are not governed by Texas Local Government Code section 211.011.”

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21.   Misrepresentation of fact – This is the most prejudicial and misleading statement of all. The Court found that Judge Garrett did not properly dispose of my judicial review. That was my position, albeit for different reasons. The Court’s judgment forced Judge Garrett to have the hearing that I requested in my appeal Prayer. Hardly a desperate battle since I got what I wanted.

22.   Inflammatory Language – The statement clear holding agreeing with the City’s position would lead readers to believe that the Court agreed with the City’s position on illegal zoning changes since that is what the citizens know and care about. Bovey’s phrase desperate battle is pejorative, makes it seem like I am doing something wrong, and makes it seem like the City is the victim.

Despite the Third Court of Appeal’s clear holding agreeing with the City’s position, Mr. Sewell continues to fight a desperate battle

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23.   Misrepresentation of fact –I filed a Motion for Rehearing and a Motion for En Banc Reconsideration which are normal rebuttals to an opinion and are supported by the rules. Those motions asked for clarification. I did not accuse the Court of anything. I questioned, which  is a normal activity. I actually think my arguments were sound and based in law. But they were at least reasonable and not accusatory.

24.   Inflammatory Language – Bovey’s phraseology of accusing the Third Court of Appeals is highly prejudicial and makes me and my efforts seem trivial, petty, and ludicrous.

Mr. Sewell is now accusing the Third Court of Appeals rather than the City, of misinterpreting the Texas Local Government Code and misunderstanding the Texas judicial process in general

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25.   Misrepresentation of fact – Again, the City is not being forced to do anything. This was a procedural dispute with Judge Garrett which would have had the same outcome without Bovey’s $18,000 worth of insight and had nothing to do with the illegal acts of the City.

26.   Inflammatory Language – Bovey’s phrase forced to incur additional legal costs make the reader believe that I controlled  the $18,000 in legal fees.

therefore the City has fortunately not been forced to incur additional legal costs in defending its position in this case

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