Urgent Warning
Property Owners
eternal vigilance is the cost of liberty
Thomas Jefferson
Llano Citizens'
Bill of Rights

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Did you know that Llano citizens are surprised by their utility bills?

Have you been surprised by your utility bill doubling, or by extra, unknown charges the city has added? You are not alone. One hospital technician said she would leave Llano because she couldn't afford the doubled rates.

The city hasn't been helping in any investigations. One excuse they give is that the new meters are more accurate, but the city won't give the homeowner the old meter to test.

One big scam that we exposed was that the city was replacing old water meters for larger ones and then was charging a $40/month surcharge. Several cases had 3/4" meters with 3/4" pipe in and out being replaced with 1.5" meters. This provides no benefit to the homeowner and meter size has no impact, at all, on the amount of water used or cost to the city.

There is a monthly surcharge, however, for the larger meters - $40/month for the 1.5" meter.

When the city was asked why they changed to a larger meter, they said the owner asked for it. Wrong. Lie. Not true. And there would be no reason to ask for a larger meter.

We have come to distrust the Llano leadership. They have been shown to be unethical and more interested in spending than service. If you are having trouble with your utility bills:

1. Watch the new meter being installed.

2. Make sure they replace the water meter with the same size diameter meter.

3. Ask to keep the replaced meters, and if they say no, get the size, models, and serial numbers and last readings.

4. Save all your utility bills. 5.  LlanoWatch will investigate any problems, anonymously, you send to us and we will see if we can't find the other secrets you are not being told.    



This site contains the individual opinions of the members of Llano Watch. Please report any errors and they will be fixed immediately.