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Did you know that Mayor Mikel Virdell thinks that Hitler comparisons are appropriate?

On September 17, 2014, Mayor Mikel Virdell wrote a vitriolic Letter to the Editor in both Llano newspapers. His verbal abuse of city council members and citizens was stunning and demonstrated his personal traits that he mistakenly applied to them. This is a common tactic of Mayor Virdell, but he has gone way too far this time.

Mayor Virdell's  Letter to the Editor was erroneous, vile, and grossly disrespectful, not just to those targeted, but to all citizens of Llano and to the office of Mayor of Llano. Below is a Fact vs. Fiction analysis of the letter along with details and references. We challenge Mayor Virdell to respond in kind.

(from Mayor Virdell's Letter)[2]
Mayor Virdell says "That is their plan" and uses Hitler's Big Lie to describe it. Hitler, Goebbels, and the Nazis used the Big Lie propaganda technique to turn long-standing anti-Semitism into mass murder.[1]  Could there be anything that anyone in Llano could say about anything that would elicit the comparison to the Big Lie? Of course not. But the Mayor chose to bully Glenn Conner and those Llano citizens who oppose his policies and approach to governing Llano by comparing their objections to Hitler's Big Lie.

And despite Mayor Virdell using quotes, that is not even what Glenn Conner said. Glenn Conner wrote a Letter to the Editor addressing Mayor Virdell's erroneous statement that Llano is the 25th “most concerning” water system out of 2000 in Texas, and the mayor's inability to support that statement. The mayor "fails to use published, verifiable data or statistical analysis. In the case of the Halff report, he utterly dismissed such data."
Contrast Mayor Virdell's misinformation to Glenn Conner's detailed, factual analysis of the water situation based on the Halff report that the city commissioned. He does not deny water is a problem and even provides alternate solutions to Riley Mountain. His conclusion was that "we are not in a crisis" and likens this to Federal Government tactics of "Don’t let a crisis go to waste."

Glenn Conner is an honorable citizen with extensive engineering and management experience. He was a Naval Engineering Chief Warrant Officer with a Bachelor of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering Technology and a Master’s degree in Industrial Technology. Not that substantial experience is necessary to opine on city policy, but surely Glenn Conner's input should be seriously considered and not derided and surely not compared to Hitler.
Mayor Virdell copmares citizens to Hitler
Marion Bishop gave a detailed presentation to Council on a Solar Power Generation Plant to augment the power we purchase from LCRA. Some of the benefits included electricity price stability, diversification of energy supply not dependant on water flow, and a new revenue stream for Llano. 

There would be absolutely no cost to the city and absolutely no personal benefit for Marion Bishop, John Ferguson, or their company. None. Zero. The $12 million dollars referenced by Mayor Virdell would not be paid by the city but given to the city in the form of a free solar plant.

This is the sort of citizen expertise we need in Llano and that the mayor encouraged and supported during his campaign. This idea really helps Llano citizens and projects a positive, modern image of Llano. Marion Bishop is a retired broadcast engineer and former college professor.

Aside from Mayor Virdell's gross distortion of the facts, he calls it "hate towards him" and an unspecified group "taking control of this town." Here is Marion Bishop's presentation and response to Mayor Virdell's statements. Try to find any hate there, or anywhere. And how does this proposal foster "taking control of this town?"
Lynda Gammage's Letter to the Editor said "It is okay for elected officials to leave a legacy, but the taxpayers should have some input since they are the ones footing the bill." This was in response to Mayor Virdell's statements at his breakfast meetings and the Town Hall Meeting that the secondary water source for Llano would be his legacy.

There was nothing disparaging in her remark and she did say having a legacy was okay - as long as taxpayers have input.

Mayor Virdell, again using quotes in error, twisted the comment to only wanted to leave a legacy of being the "mayor that saved Llano" which is a total distortion of the original message and an attack on an honorable, life-long citizen of Llano who had an intelligent opposition to the mayor's actions. So again, Mayor Virdell uses bullying and intimidation instead of facts to address opposition.
On the issue of spending $1 million dollars next year and unknown millions in the future for the Riley Mt project, Mayor Virdell discusses two projections:
  1.  "the best engineers that your money can buy"; "the best hydrologist and geologist that your money can buy"; and "John Burke is the best water consultant in Texas" have all placed the odds of success at 60-40. The analysis that created these odds has not been presented to council or citizens. The City responded to a Texas Public Information Act request for the analysis saying that it did not exist.

  2. At the Water Town Hall Meeting, Robert Foster presented from a detailed, 12-page analysis that concluded there was a 99.75% chance of failure for the Riley Mt Project. This citizen analysis showed data, maps, and the calculations that generated the projection. He was not allowed to present the PowerPoint presentation at the meeting.

    Mayor Virdell describes Robert Foster as "unprincipled, deceitful and uninformed." What an outrageous statement not becoming of anyone, let alone the mayor of our city. The fact is Robert Foster: Graduated Magna Cum Laude in 1985 from Texas A&M with a BS in Geophysics; has 30 years experience as a geophysicist with Shell Oil Company; and is currently Chief Geophysicist for Shell Oil Co. responsible for all geophysical analysis and risking in North and South America with an annual exploration budget of $1.2 billion.

At the Water Town Hall Meeting, Mayor Virdell agreed to a meeting with John Burke and Robert Foster to work out the vast discrepancy. That meeting never happened. If Mayor Virdell was a real businessman, as he purports to be, he would want all the facts discovered before spending millions of your dollars.

Mayor Virdell's statement in his letter mischaracterizes a discussion by two business owners on the subject of their water bills doubling. Later, when the topic switched to Riley Mt and Mayor Virdell, it became evident that the parties had opposing views and the discussion was amicably terminated.

There was no bullying or even harassment. There surely isn't a "group of people" going into businesses or any organized bullying effort. Bullying is defined by the Oxford Dictionary as the use superior strength or influence to intimidate (someone), typically to force him or her to do what one wants.

The real bullying is being done by Mayor Virdell as demonstrated by his letter. He verbally assaulted 2 alderman, 4 Llano citizens, and all of those who disagree with his policies. Mayor Virdell's bullying and intimidation is clearly intended to discourage opposition to his spending and waste.
Mayor Virdell distorts the truth in this paragraph to discredit an alderman. Actually, when John Ferguson was elected to city council, he was already on the City Insurance Task Force Committee. He resigned when elected to use that time for other alderman work.

As to Mayor Virdell's "ranting" characterization, John Ferguson's dissemination of information and detailed studying of issues is refreshing and greatly appreciated. Besides, John Ferguson does not rant on Facebook, or anywhere.

This is just another example of Mayor Virdell's bullying and intimidation of his opponents. John Ferguson should be applauded for his steadfast determination against this onslaught.
Mayor Virdell's intent here is to calm any citizen concern about the spending and the 99.75% assurance that the money on Riley Mt will be wasted. He distorts the truth through general, incomplete statements with vague qualifications that give the feeling that it won't cost you anything.

Mayor Virdell specifically used quotes on the word find in his letter. This is to deceive you because the finding of water is the least expensive part of the total cost of the project. He has said that drilling wells (the finding) will be $180,000 but fails to mention the next steps where the BIG money is spent on the liners, pumping stations, generators, leases, royalties, a multi-million dollar pipeline to Llano, legal fees, and other costs to complete the project. Of course property taxes won't go up for the $180,000 drilling but they might to pay for the remainder of the project.

The statement "The Cost is already figured in the next year's balanced budget" gives a warm feeling but there is no description of what the $1 million is for. He qualifies that this as the first step but what is the cost of future steps? No one knows because the details  have never been documented.

Real businessmen don't start a project until a complete plan and pricing are done. This "plan" by Mayor Virdell and Brenton Lewis is just another example of poor/nonexistent planning and business cases. See the $15 million sewer plant business case error from 2007 that plagues us still today.

The fact is simply that this will cost the citizens of Llano something in some form - either in taxes, utility costs, and/or debt. The last time Mayor Virdell mentioned a total price it was $4 million dollars. This is a gamble that has a 99.75% chance of losing. It doesn't take a businessman to pass on that bet.

[1] Jeffrey Herf (2006). The Jewish Enemy: Nazi Propaganda During World War II And the Holocaust. Harvard University Press. p. 211.

[2]  Mayor Mikel Virdell Letter to the Editor in Llano News on 9/24/14


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