Urgent Warning
Property Owners
eternal vigilance is the cost of liberty
Thomas Jefferson
Llano Citizens'
Bill of Rights

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Did you know that LlanoWatch is back?

With the hiring of a new city manager, Brenton Lewis, and the election of a new mayor, Mikel Virdell, LlanoWatch paused to let them settle in and accomplish the business of the city - big mistake.

During the budget process for the 2014 budget, the mayor and council asked for a pass while they learned the city's business. The 2015 budget process was as bad as it could be with councilmen Bryan Miiller, Todd Keller, and Allen Hopson rubber stamping city manager Brenton Lewis' and Mayor Virdell's budget. An attempt to add a cemetery tax to property taxes was just one of the failed attempts to squeeze more citizen dollars to waste on poorly thought-out projects.

LlanoWatch was started to address the lawlessness, bad management, deception, and waste in Llano City government. Well, this Llano government is as bad as ever so we must persist. We will provide the facts on the issues before the City and challenge the actions of Llano City government.

Despite the intent of this website to present facts without emotion, there will be some who call LlanoWatchers "hateful." We ask that you read our articles to find hateful statements and then read the City's documentation - not their words spoken in secret. You might want to start with our article analyzing Mayor Virdell's recent Letter to the Editor.

As before, we will immediately correct any reported error found on this website.

Marc Sewell
LlanoWatcher and Editor


This site contains the individual opinions of the members of Llano Watch. Please report any errors and they will be fixed immediately.