Urgent Warning
Property Owners
eternal vigilance is the cost of liberty
Thomas Jefferson
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Did you know that Llano City Attorney Carey Bovey Knowingly "Misrepresented" Facts to District Court and City Council?

This is a serious issue for property owners of Llano - an overhaul of the comprehensive plan by a consultant to be hired by City Manager Brenton Lewis and Mayor Mikel Virdell. The Comprehensive Plan defines what changes are allowed to the zoning ordinance which determines what you can do with YOUR property. The philosophy of our City Manager, Mayor, and Planning & Zoning Commission Chair is that the CITY decides the "best use" for YOUR property. See the details here - and worry a lot.

So in February, a petition for injunction was filed in Llano District Court to stop the use of a consultant and allow citizens to decide how their property should be used. The petition is based on a violation of the Texas Open Meetings Act asserting that the City did not notify citizens that a grant application to be discussed was for a Comprehensive Plan overhaul.

City Attorney Bovey's defense is that the Comprehensive Plan was just one of the options for the grant that came up during the meeting and it was not known before the meeting.

The transcript from the council meeting, below, unequivocally shows that the purpose of the grant was for an overhaul of the Comprehensive Plan, it was the only purpose discussed, and it was known before the meeting.

Thus, City Attorney Carey Bovey lied, a.k.a. Knowingly "Misrepresented" Facts, in a signed document filed in the Llano District Court and to the Llano City Council. See the details in the Motion for Sanctions that was filed in Llano District Court.

The motion for sanctions asserts that Mr. Bovey knowingly misrepresented the facts of the central aspect of his defense, the only substantive argument, with the intent to influence the Court as well as influence Llano City Council in rejecting a settlement offer of $378 (filing costs). Three of the five council members, Todd Keller, Bryan Miiler, and Allen Hopson, did vote against the settlement. For financial reasons alone, $378 vs. $Thousands, should have been sufficient to choose to settle.

Following the filing for sanctions against Bovey, a new settlement offer was sent:

Settlement Offer

1. City will establish a citizen committee to create a Comprehensive Plan, led by a citizen. Should the TxCDBG grant be awarded, unlikely, the money will be used by the committee for specific research.

2a. The motion for sanctions will be withdrawn. All legal, filing, court, and other costs be paid by or reimbursed by City Attorney Carey Bovey.

Or 2b. The motion for sanctions will not be withdrawn. The City will reimburse all filing costs and any other costs incurred by Sewell for cause 19243. [$378]

Hopefully, one the the three aldermen will not continue to be influenced by City Attorney Bovey's misrepresentations of fact and allow citizens to determine for themselves how they will use their own property. Hopefully, City Attorney Bovey will pay for his mistake rather than make citizens pay.

It is extremely complex and difficult for a citizen to object to illegal city actions. Local lawyers are not willing to assist. It makes it exceedingly more difficult when the City Attorney knowingly misrepresents the facts to mislead the Court and Llano City Council.  

Fact #1: Purpose of the TxCDBG Grant is an Overhaul of the Comprehensive Plan

From the video transcript of the council meeting , the following are exact quotes:

1.  City Manager Lewis introducing the H-1 Agenda Item, showing the true reason for the grant – “[grant] for the comprehensive plan”

2.  Cindy Gutierrez from Gary R. Taylor & Associates  - “discussing with Brenton different aspects of what to redo the city's comprehensive plan”

3.  Cindy Gutierrez’s last statement - “it is kinda just to overhaul city's comprehensive plan”

4.  Mayor Virdell closing the subject, reinforcing the true reason for the grant – “Any comments on the Comprehensive Plan Grant?”

5.  There was no discussion. Total about 2 minutes on the entire subject.

6.  There was one question from Alderman John Ferguson – “What’s in mind for this grant?”

7.  Brenton Lewis responds to John Ferguson’s question – “basically it’s to overhaul the Comprehensive Plan.”

8.  John Ferguson asks for confirmation – “Comprehensive Plan that would guide
Planning & Zoning?

9.  Brenton responds to John Ferguson’s follow-up question – “Right. That’s right.”

10. There were no other purposes for the grant mentioned or discussed.



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