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Did you know that there is another, expensive cover-up to hide Llano zoning changes? - UPDATE

Again!  Lawlessness, secrecy and malfeasance for questionable objectives - followed by wasting your tax dollars on a cover-up.

This time, it is an attempt to secretly create a Comprehensive Plan without citizen involvement as documented here a few weeks ago.

Planning is a good thing. An important thing. One of the four keys to a successful endeavor. Llano management has always been awful at planning - resulting in waste and poor city services. Some very expensive examples are sewer plant upgrade, water meters, Riley Mountain, fountains, website, and a "new" police station. These wasted millions of dollars  could have been avoided by citizen involvement instead of city regimes that think they know better.

In this case, the Texas Department of Agriculture, the grant issuer, agrees. The planning manual they provide says "The comprehensive plan combines the community goals and objectives with the inventory of city resources. Small cities and towns are often fortunate to have residents with expertise related to planning. Retired professionals, teachers at local schools and colleges, and professionals who commute to nearby cities can make valuable voluntary contributions." Thirteen citizens volunteered but City Manager Lewis never set up the committee.


Citizen involvement in the planning process is important. Involvement increases understanding of the benefits of planning while decreasing the uncertainty about the negative effects of planning on personal freedom and property rights. In turn, increased involvement contributes to political acceptance and success of the planning process. In addition, residents can aid the planner through their knowledge of the community. Often, citizens with professional expertise can contribute their talents to the technical aspects of planning, thus reducing the need for consultants. Finally, involvement in the process assures that citizens are given a chance to become aware of the practical matters surrounding implementation of plans. Plans are most successful when the citizens feel an ownership in the final product. Their realistic perspective helps keep the planning process on track and down-to-earth. The benefits of citizens’ participation are substantial." 

The Comprehensive Plan is a statute-required activity to be done prior to any changes to the zoning ordinance. This has not done and would be a violation of zoning laws if the city proceeds. Their dilemma is that the zoning changes that Mayor Virdel, City Manager Lewis, and P&Z Chair Firestone want, property owners would not put in the Comprehensive Plan. So, since they can't control a citizen committee, they tried to secretly hire a consultant who would conform to their wants. We know that one of those changes is changing the zoning of South Ford St. from Residential to Commercial.

Thus, the city tried to secretly hire the consultant by hiding it in an innocuous grant application vote. When that was exposed, a citizen requested a revote so citizens could be involved. That was rejected so that citizen filed an injunction in Llano District Court, along with a settlement offer that again requested a revote.

At that point, had City Attorney Bovey recommended accepting the settlement offer, there would have been a revote which would cost nothing and council could still have voted again for a consultant - but at least citizens would have had a chance to speak. No cost or downside to this option.

Instead, Llano City Attorney Bovey's approach was to waste taxpayer dollars and delay. This is his characteristic approach - to waste time and money to stall until it is too late, hoping citizens will give up trying to protect their rights.

Mayor Virdel, City Manager Lewis, or City Council members could still have intervened, at no cost. They didn't.

UPDATE - One ethical council member asked that a closed meeting be held to discuss the settlement offer and City Manager Brenton Lewis refused to put it on the agenda.

What we are learning, again, from this experience is that Llano City Government is lawless, secretive, and willing to spend any amount of citizen money to protect itself and their agenda from the citizens of Llano.

See relevant articles  here, here, here, here, and here.





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