Urgent Warning
Property Owners
eternal vigilance is the cost of liberty
Thomas Jefferson
Llano Citizens'
Bill of Rights

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Did you know that there was ANOTHER SECRET dredging deal?

Dredging seems to be a good idea. The deeper the river is behind the dams, the more water we can have available during a drought. It still takes management and judgment for a dredging project to be effective and affordable. This was not the case in Llano.

First there was a  secret, illegal meeting where an ill-advised $50,000 contract was negotiated and agreed to without any citizen input or knowledge. See article here.

Then, another ill-advised $50,000 contract was signed when Brenton Lewis lied to council saying the price would be better than the previous contract - it wasn't.

Then, before the start  of contract #2, Brenton Lewis and Mayor Virdell proposed a  $250,000 contract extension with the same contractor and more lies about reduced price. Good thing citizens stood up to challenge that. See article here.

Finally, a secret meeting to discuss a contract with a new contractor who would actually pay us for the dredging.

Ultimately, a contract was secretly approved with contractor #2. However, citizens couldn't see the contract before it was signed. The city even violated the Open Records Act to prevent this. This contract paid the city $.12/ton instead of the city paying $2.50/ton.

So City Manager Brenton Lewis spent/wasted $100,000 and wanted to spend another $250,000 more when we could have made at least $7,000 selling the sand - a $307,000 cost to the city because of Benton Lewis' and Mayor Virdel's lack of management and concern for taxpayer dollars.

Citizen involvement saved $250,000 on the contract extension and could have negotiated a better deal on the new contract. Also, citizens recommended the Army Corps of Engineers Floodway Improvement Program that would clean up and reshape the river but the city never investigated it.

This is what LlanoWatch calls waste, bad management, and missed opportunity.

The lessons to be learned from this one good, but mismanaged, idea are:

  1. Stop the secret meetings and secret contract negotiations.

  2. Have citizen workshops to gather input on approaches to a project.

  3. Allow contracts to be reviewed by citizens BEFORE they are signed.

  4. Get citizen input early and often.

  5. Stop City Manager Brenton Lewis' habitual lying and distortion of facts.

The Llano Citizens' Bill of Rights addresses all these issues.


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