Urgent Warning
Property Owners
eternal vigilance is the cost of liberty
Thomas Jefferson
Llano Citizens'
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Did you know that Mayor Pro-Tem Bryan Miiller ignored a sanctions request on Mayor Virdell?

A few weeks ago, Mayor Pro-Tem Bryan Miiller was asked to schedule a closed meeting of City Council regarding Mayor Virdell's violations of the Llano Code of Conduct for Elected Officials after Mayor Virdell posted a vulgar and disrespectful letter to the editor in both Llano newspapers.

Not only did Mayor Pro-Tem Bryan Miiller not schedule the council conference, he did not even reply to the citizen who requested the discussion - nothing, just ignored it completely. Perhaps he expected it to just go away.

It is undisputed and obvious that Mayor Virdell violated several tenets of the code of conduct as is proven by the LlanoWatch analysis.

Mayor Pro-Tem Bryan Miiller had the opportunity to calm the much-talked-about vitriol that we now know  originates from Mayor Virdell. Instead, he is adding to the problem that strains trust in local government. Elected officials do not seem to understand their role: To represent the people and function as civil servants. Instead, they seem to think their role is to inflict their agenda upon us. To not even respond to a citizen's request, no matter how much they disagree, is outrageous. And to ignore a violation of the Llano Code of Conduct for Elected Officials demonstrates a systemic blindness to the rule of law.

Why do we have such a code for elected officials if it is not enforced? Will laws only be followed if convenient or aligned with personal agendas? This is far more important that just the bad behavior by Mayor Virdell. Citizens trust, or even assume, that their elected officials will follow the law. It is up to citizens to ensure that they do.

When you are a friend of an elected official and get preferential treatment, you may think it is fine. However, what happens when your personal interests conflict with the elected official's personal objective? Your friendship is trumped.

This will be the case for the  charming houses on South Ford St, some of which have been in the family for generations. Mayor Virdell has undisclosed reasons for changing the zoning on South Ford St. from single family to commercial. The owners want it to stay single family (SF1). Mayor Virdell, the city manager, and council will be violating the law to accomplish their goal in changing it to commercial zoning. There is no obvious reason for this change and no transparency regarding their agenda.

The preferential treatment afforded to Mayor Virdell by Mayor Pro-Tem Bryan Miiller undermines the rule of law and demonstrates that this city government is lawless and undependable.

Obedience to the law on the part of our officials is the only way that all Llano citizens will be  treated fairly - all the time. Future LlanoWatch articles will show that we citizens cannot depend on obedience to the law from the mayor, council, and city manager, as well as cannot depend on proper actions from the legal system.  



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