Urgent Warning
Property Owners
eternal vigilance is the cost of liberty
Thomas Jefferson
Llano Citizens'
Bill of Rights

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Did you know that City water rates were raised 47% on low income families but only 4% on the heaviest water users?

One month after the City said they weren't raising tax rates, but did, the Llano City Council voted to increase water rates (ordinance 1230). Despite Finance Director Lynda Kuder's assurance that low water users wouldn’t be affected, the hardest hit are families who can't stay under the minimum 3K gallons/month. The math below shows that a family of four is doing some serious conservation to stay under 8K gallons - without watering the grass. It is hard to imagine how 100K gallons could be used, but shouldn't that rate go up significantly, leaving the families alone? Of course, the real answer is have a city government that controls their spending.

Llano Water Rate Increase

National Average Water Use For Typical Family Of Four (4):
Inside Use Gallons per Day
Bathing 80
Bathroom Sink 8
Cooking and Drinking
Laundry 35
Toilets 100
Utility Sink 5
Total Family Use 255*
* Equals 63.75 gallons per day per person
Average Inside Facilities Water Use:
Fixture Water Usage Needs
25 to 35 gallons per tub
Clothes Washer
25 to 50 gallons per load
7.5 to 16 gallons per load
Shower 5 to 15 gallons per minute
Old - 3.5 to 7 gallons per flush
New - 1.5 gallons per flush



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