Urgent Warning
Property Owners
eternal vigilance is the cost of liberty
Thomas Jefferson
Llano Citizens'
Bill of Rights

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Did you know that the City violated zoning laws to allow Palm Readers on Ford Street?

In a brazen disregard for the law, the Llano Planning and Zoning Commission knowingly violated at least 3 zoning laws when they approved a zoning ordinance change that was later passed by City Council:

1.Violation of Llano City Ordinance 735 (Section 110-53 in Municode) – Changes were made to zoning regulations without written notification to individual property owners.
2. Violation of Llano City Ordinance 735 and Texas State Zoning Code Chapter 211.007 – No preliminary report describing the change was created prior to the Public Hearing.
3. Violation of Texas State Zoning Code 211.004 – The requested change was not in compliance with the Comprehensive Plan.

I do not use brazen lightly. Brazen is defined as: “bold, shameless, impudent, and marked by flagrant, insolent audacity.” They knew they were breaking the law. They were told before the vote that they were breaking the law. They were given a 9 page document, with references, that showed they were violating laws. The city was notified of the violations prior to the meeting. Their response was that only text changes to the ordinance were being discussed so notification was not necessary. At the P&Z meeting, City Manager, Brenton Lewis, and P&Z Chairwoman, Dianne Firestone, repeated several times that no individual property owner notification was required because the changes to the zoning ordinance were only text changes (not regulation changes) which do not require notification. Brenton Lewis even validated his assertion by stating he had 20 years experience as a "Zoning Commissioner," although this is not validated by his résumé.

"Only Text Changes?" Do they think citizens are stupid? The agenda for the Public Hearings clearly stated "amending the text and defining uses." Did they think it was saying, "amending the text and defining SOME OTHER TEXT?" And, of course, the new Ordinance 1247 clearly shows the regulation changes.

And if they weren't sure, they could have referenced the law (Sec 211.003 and Sec 211.004) which was provided to them and which, presumably, they had read after accepting the position. It unambiguously states that use changes are regulatory changes.

79 property owners were knowingly denied their lawful rights. Intentionally.

So what is the result? However the usage table is interpreted, unstudied changes to the usage table for South Ford St resulted in a loss of property rights in the Dentist Overlay District. This constitutes eminent domain through the zoning laws. Also lost, because property owners were not consulted, was an opportunity to discuss the changes these citizens requested last year, but were ignored.

So what was so important that commissioners and councilpersons risked misdemeanor penalties? It sure wasn't to allow property owners the opportunity to open a Palm Reader business which the change allowed. It was presumably to allow a beauty shop for one of the property owners in the district. A valid request by a property owner. The only real impetus for the zoning change. Sadly, had P&Z just followed the law, this could have been accomplished faster and without violating the law and property rights.

The other, more cynical, possibility was that this was a test to see if we are watching, because a complete overhaul of the zoning ordinance is in the works - without asking us or even telling us.

Should we just call the UN, 1-555-Agenda21, and tell them to come and get it?




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