Urgent Warning
Property Owners
eternal vigilance is the cost of liberty
Thomas Jefferson
Llano Citizens'
Bill of Rights

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Did you know that City Manager Brenton Lewis and Mayor Mikel Virdell have, once again, violated the law to secretly change the zoning ordinance?

Last week, City Manager Lewis and Mayor Virdell tried, and succeeded, to secretly fund the preparation of a Comprehensive Plan which is required by law before they can overhaul the Llano zoning ordinance.

They have learned from their previous illegal zoning changes that zoning changes must conform to the City's Comprehensive Plan. Brenton Lewis had scheduled a meeting at Lantex to form a volunteer committee. 13 volunteers signed up to finish the almost complete citizen Comprehensive Plan effort, but he never did organize the committee. Instead, he secretly had Doris Messier try to write a new one. That didn't work so this latest effort was to hire an outside company to prepare a plan without citizen involvement or even knowledge.

Why not just organize the citizen committee and save $40,000? Presumably because citizens wouldn't recommend the changes that Mayor Virdell wants. The P&Z Committee has been working for almost two years on changes to the zoning ordinance for some still unknown reason. This is backwards. The Comprehensive Plan is always done first and drives changes should they be needed. The plan should have been done two years ago.

One change that we know Mayor Virdell and City Manager Lewis want is to change South Ford Street from residential to commercial. This would never appear in a comprehensive plan because Llano already has enough vacant commercial property. Citizens know that but a company hired by the city would put anything in the plan that the city (Virdell & Lewis) told them to put in.

So at the 2/2/15 City Council Meeting, Agenda Item H-1 was a request for $40,000 for “Planning Elements for Planning and Urban Environmental Design” and the benefit was for “Low to Moderate Income Residents.”. Nowhere in the agenda did it say Comprehensive Plan so no citizen was there to say that there are plenty of citizens to do it for free.

This is a misdemeanor violation of the Texas Open Meetings Act. See the details in this paper.

Fortunately, the consulting group speaker let the words Comprehensive Plan slip or we still wouldn't know.

So, we citizens will pay for Mayor Virdell's, City Manager Brenton Lewis', and Planning & Zoning Chair Diana Firestone's overhaul of the zoning ordinance and we still don't know why. They don't understand, or care, that we citizens own the property and thus own the city. The comprehensive plan, by law, is merely to allow the city to plan for services for what WE decide to do with our property.



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