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Did you know that City Manager Brenton Lewis was challenged to a debate?

Debate Challenge Letter to the Editor 1/7/15

I challenge City Manager Brenton Lewis to a debate on the legal advice he gave to the Planning and Zoning Commission and to City Council regarding a zoning change in July 2013.

It is pretty silly that after a year and a half of documentation, letters, and continuing legal filings, I still haven’t received an explanation from City Manager Lewis on his legal assertion that ultimately caused 79 Llano property owners to lose their property rights.

The City of Llano has already spent $20,000 in legal fees to shield City Manager Lewis from explaining his legal assertion. Not $20,000 to explain but $20,000 to avoid explaining.  Whatever Lewis’ explanation, it will not cost the city anything.

Why is it so difficult for a citizen to question their own city government?

I even asked Mayor Virdell directly to schedule a debate to answer the question and end the legal spending that is protecting Brenton Lewis. At first, Mayor Virdell agreed to the debate but then never responded to follow-ups on actually having the debate.

City Council has been asked numerous times to settle the issue and stop the legal spending but Mayor Virdell unilaterally controls the city council agenda, even closed meetings, so the city council has not had a vote.

This debate is important because Mayor Virdell, Planning and Zoning Commission, and City Council are pushing forward with a complete rewrite/overhaul of the entire zoning ordinance that, among other changes, will change South Ford Street from residential to commercial zoning.

It is also important to challenge the illegal actions of your city government.

So it comes to this – a public request for a debate - in public, in a scheduled closed session of city council or in writing. I have already provided my position on the debate question in writing to Brenton Lewis, Mayor Virdell, and City Council.

For those interested in the entire saga of this issue, please see other articles here, here, and here and complete set of documentation here.

Marc Sewell

Ad for the debate was also placed in the same issue of the paper:

City Manager Brenton Lewis Debate



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