Did you know that
Llano Government is Lawless and has Disdain for Citizens?
City Attorney Bovey, City Manager Lewis, and Mayor
Virdell have demonstrated their Philosophy toward the law and their
disdain of citizens as documented many times in LlanoWatch and numerous
letters to the editor in Llano newspapers.
Philosophy of Llano City Attorney, City
Manager, & Mayor
It is not a lie unless caught
It is not illegal unless sued
If caught or sued: deny, delay, cheat, and lie
Citizens are a nuisance and should be avoided & ignored
except friends who should be given preferential treatment
The latest example is the secret & illegal attempt to
rewrite the city's Comprehensive Plan
without citizen or property owner input and then, when exposed, they
denying and delaying to cover-up.
The Comprehensive Plan is a
statute-required activity to be done prior to any changes to the
zoning ordinance, which is the actual zoning law. It drives the
current 1-1/2 year-old rezoning effort. If the Comprehensive Plan
says no chickens and no 4-wheelers inside the city, the zoning
ordinance can be changed to enforce that. It is crucial that
citizens participate early in this effort.
So despite citizen objection and a lawsuit, the city secretly
submitted the
grant proposal
to the Department of Agriculture HUD for the rewrite of the
Comprehensive Plan. A
detailed complaint was then filed with City Manager Brenton
Lewis and his
non-responsive, disrespectful answer further demonstrates the
disdain he and the Mayor have for citizens and property owners. We
then had to submit an
appeal to the
Texas Department of Agriculture HUD Executive Director for a
proper response.
As this one simple example shows, Llano City Government is lawless
and the legal system is too slow, sometimes biased, and the city
will spend any amount of taxpayer money to satisfy their agenda, not
yours. And this current regime isn't the first with bad behavior.
The next set of city manager, mayor, and council will be different -
we hope. But history shows we can't depend on that or that the next
regime following them will not revert to lawlessness.
The best answer for citizens is the
Citizens' Bill of Rights (LCBoR). Particularly article VIII
where citizens will have an
ombudsman, a
simplified remediation process, and local penalties for violators of
citizens rights. For now, LlanoWatch provides confidential, free,
ombudsman service for issues with Llano Government.
LCBoR would have helped in this Comprehensive Plan situation by
requiring one of the two council meetings a month to be a workshop
with discussion - a real workshop, not a Brenton Lewis one. LCBoR
would also require final contracts, ordinance changes, projects,
proposals, and process changes to be available to citizens
to the workshop, which would be prior
to a vote at the
following meeting. This helps council
members, as well, who have the same problems with insufficient
notice and unavailability of documents.
This is a small town spending millions of dollars. There is no
reason to rush into expensive projects or to not seeing a contract
until after it is signed - the Virdell/Lewis approach. The only
reason would be bad management that procrastinates or hides
something the citizens wouldn't want - the Lewis approach.
We will ask the next city council to establish a workshop to develop
the details of the
Citizens' Bill of Rights. LCBoR does no harm and will insulate
Llano citizens from swings in ethical conduct from city manager to
city manager, city attorney to city attorney, and council to
council. If you are not sure, start with the
abridged version and find an
objection. Then move to the the formal
statement of LCBoR. Next, look at the
problems from the past that could have been solved by LCBoR.
Finally, join the workshop to ensure that the final ordinance
implementing LCBoR is not harmful to citizens.
Send your comments here.
Brenton Lewis response to
TxCDBG planning grant errors and omissions complaint:
